
There are numerous flights flying the busy Kathmandu - Lukla route, though with a much reduced service during the off-season months. Sita is considered to be one of the more reliable airlines flying this route and operates two flights every morning from Kathmandu Domestic Airport at 7AM and 8:20AM, with return flights at 7:40AM and 9AM. Flights from Kathmandu take around 25 minutes. Be aware that during the summer rainy season there may be substantial delays, and even a wait of one week is not uncommon.

Tenzing-Hillary Airport is often named one of the most dangerous airports in the world due to its position against the side of the mountain.

The only way you could get around Lukla is by foot. Yes, there are no roads and no any other mean of modern transport. There are plenty of awesome mountainous view around Lukla itself.